Home Manufactures TE Connectivity ALCOSWITCH Switches
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TE Connectivity ALCOSWITCH Switches

TE Connectivity ALCOSWITCH, formerly Tyco Electronics ALCOSWITCH offers a broad range of high quality electronic component products. They offer solutions for OEM applications, utility/energy, outside plant and premise networking installations and more. Products from well-known brand names include connectors/interconnection systems, terminal blocks, relays, electronic modules, circuit protection devices, fiber optic components, wire and cable, switches, wireless components, sensors, printed circuit boards, touchscreens and application tooling. They also provide products to insulate, protect, hold, bundle and identify electrical harnesses. TE Connectivity can provide virtually any type of switch you need. From miniature printed circuit board mounted DIP switches to rugged oil-tight switches for industrial controls, they provide reliable, cost-effective performance. ALCOSWITCH products also include knobs, boot, caps and other accessories.

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Address: 73 Upper Paya Lebar Road #06-01CCentro Bianco Singapore

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