Easelink Electronics - Electronic components Search

Global Distributor of

Electronic Components


As a global distributor of electronic components, we are aiming to make sourcing earier and earier.  We provide different kinds of parts and hardware to commercial, industrial, and defense or aerospace clients. Delicate service and customer relationship are the key values of Easelink.

We have access to millions of components but we specialize in various types of active components like IC integrated circuits, memory chips, microprocessors, diodes, transistors, etc., and passive components like capacitors, resistors, inductors, etc., and electromechanical components like connectors, switching devices, relays, etc. Besides, hard-to-find parts, obsolete ones, end-of-life parts, we can give you the alternatives and provide more possibilies to solutions.

There are not only cooperative and stable channel providers, but also flexible and fast spot suppliers. Striving to continuously expand the electronic components market, we provide electronic components for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), original brand manufacturers (OBM), electronic product contract manufacturers, EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Service) suppliers and design houses (Design House) Device supply service chain solution.

Easelink Electronics - Electronic components Search

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Easelink Electronics - Electronic components Searchsupport@easelinkelec.com

Address: 73 Upper Paya Lebar Road #06-01CCentro Bianco Singapore

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RECYCLE Electronic Components

Sell us your Excess here. We buy ICs, Transistors, Diodes, Capacitors, Connectors, Military&Commercial Electronic components.

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