Home Manufactures Qualtek Electronics Corp.
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Qualtek Electronics Corp.

Qualtek Electronics offers a vast array of fan accessories, AC receptacles, international and domestic power cords and cordsets, and EMI power line filters. The fan accessories line includes a wide selection of wire form fan guards, plastic fan guards, plastic fan filter assemblies, aluminum fan filters, and fan power cords. The primary power components product line consists of inlets, outlets, multi-function assemblies, and power line filters. Power cords, both domestic and international, are available in a wide range of plugs, connectors, cordage, and colors. A full range of products are maintained in inventory for quick, on-time deliveries. Like Qualtek on Facebook or follow us @qualtekelectron on Twitter.

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Address: 73 Upper Paya Lebar Road #06-01CCentro Bianco Singapore

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